Savchenko Art Gallery
Yuriy Savchenko's painting View Yuriy's gallery
View Konstantin's gallery Konstantin Savchenko's painting
Yuriy Savchenko biography
Yuriy Savchenko and his works

The works of the Slaviansk artist Yuriy Savchenko benefit from deserved popularity among art fans.

For many years, the artist has been staying loyal to such genre-paintings as landscapes and still life, which most fully respond to the peculiarities of his creative identity.

Yuriy Savchenko views the surrounding world as a fine lyric; so the admirations of the beauty of the world, the glorifying of life-giving forces of the nature, the emotional grasp of the reality are essential in his works.

Yuriy Savchenko was born on the 2 of October 1935 in the Ukrainian town of Slaviansk. In 1957, he graduated from the Kharkov Art School, where he received professional training at the Theatre and Decoration department, from well-known teachers P.A.Shigimaga and Y. M. Stakhanov.

Indefatigable creative energy, permanent search for new solutions of artistic tasks, enormous diligence help the artist to create his own unique autor style.

In Yuriy Savchenko's works, the approach to the understanding of the reality is expressed in the very plastics of the picture building. Poeticising of the nature, bringing of elements of unusual multicolour mosaics into it make his works full-weight and meaningful.

A quivering feeling of love to his native country, to the land, songs, traditions and music enables the author to create inimitable lyric and romantic pieces of art.

Poetic images filled with romantic dreams are tightly interlaced, forming a general colourful carpet of pictures.

Precise and laconic composition, rhythmic vibrating touch, organisation of the canvas plane, subtle iridescence of colours - all there features make Yuriy Savchenko's works look particularly ariginal and integral and put them, by their meaningfulness and depth, in the same rank with the best pieces of modern Ukrainian art.

Relying on the rich experience of French expressionists, Ukrainian and Russian painters of 19th and 20th centuries, the artist influences the spectator's mind and emotions by his works, reviews and builds his own graphic language, discovering again the invaluable past, acquiring the humanity, the truth and the beauty of the present. The painter lets the spectator feel the melody of fine colour shades, allows him to look at the world as at a unity of diversity.

There is something biographic in Yuriy Savchenko's works. They are so rich in colour and so moving that the spectator immediately feels the spiritual mood that the author reflects in his paintings.

Yuriy Savchenko's amazing colourful landscape suites acquire maximum expression and enchant the spectator by the dynamics of the touch, by the colour music, which excites and invites to a talk.

The painter often works outside and stresses the characteristic features and details that are critical for the expression of images. Yuriy Savchenko disengages himself from realism and gives full freedom to pictorial methods, transforming the nature in something the nature in something fabulous and fantastic. The author's form structure allows the spectator to discover his specific view of the nature, along with his understanding of the world, in their inseparable interrelation.

The series of pictures dedicated to Slobozhanschina, author's native country, strike by their laconic development of finest light and shadow gradations. They sparkle with warmth; the native land poeticised by the author lives and shines in these works.

Yuriy Savchenko's water-colours are surprisingly interesting, as if the author dissolved himself in the nature, in the architectural shapes of big cities, submitting himself to their dynamic rhythms and colours, but also filling the image with his own reflections and embodying his ideals of beauty into it.

A number of personal exhibitions organised both in his native country and abroad - in America, Austria, Germany and Croatia, - allow the author to be always on top of the world artistic trends.

The rich impressions of travels, a large number of drafts and pictures complete the painter's artistic store and help Yuriy Savchenko in his intensive pedagogic activity.

The particular feature of his numerous works, both water-colour and oil ones, resides in his fine taste, in his great feeling of colour and form which strives to an artistic animation, generating many tones of fine and precise colour sound.

In his works, the artist could look at the surrounding life in a fresh and direct way, acquiring the inspiring internal freedom which is necessary for creation, which is not limited to any subject and manner and which generously fills Yuriy Savchenko's pictures with a fragrance of living feelings and ideas.

Yuriy Savchenko at his studio

Personal exhibitions:

Since 1985, Yuriy Savchenko took part in a number of municipal, national and international exhibitions:

1985 - Donetsk, Ukraine, "The Museum of Fine Art"
1986 - Donetsk, Ukraine, "The House of Culture"
1989 - Donetsk, Ukraine, "The Museum of Fine Art"
1990 - Kiev, Ukraine, the "Triptikh" gallery
1991 - Bremen, Germany
1991 - Nashville, USA
1992 - Vienna, Austria
1992 - Nashville, USA
1992 - Montgomery, USA
1992 - Detroit, USA, the "Eko" gallery
1993 - Vienna, Austria
1993 - Kiev, Ukraine, the "Slavutich" gallery
1994 - Kiev, Ukraine, "The Museum of Russian Art"
1995 - Kharkov, Ukraine, the "Dais" gallery
1995 - Kharkov,Ukraine, The "Vernissage" gallery
1995 - Detroit, USA, the "Eko" gallery
1995 - Cincinnati, USA
1995 - Kiev, Ukraine, "Ukrainskiy Dom"
1996 - Kiev, Ukraine, "The Museum of Lesya Ukrainka"
1996 - Kiev, Ukraine, "The Museum of Russian Art"
1996 - Kharkov, Ukraine, "The House of Artists"
1996 - Kharkov, Ukraine, the "Vernissage" gallery
1997 - Zagreb, Croatia, the "Saint Ivan Zelen" gallery
1997 - Kharkov, Ukraine, "The House of Artists"
1998 - Kharkov, Ukraine, the "Vernissage" gallery
1998 - Detroit, USA, The "Eco" gallery
1998 - Chicago, USA, "Ukrainian Centre"
1999 - Vukovar, Croatia, Museum
1999 - Zagreb, Croatia, the "Saint Ivan Zelen" gallery
1999 - Kharkov, Ukraine, "The House of Artists"
1999 - Kiev, Ukraine, the "Triptikh" gallery
2000 - Kharkov, Ukraine, "The House of Artists"
2001 - Kramatorsk, Ukraine, Museum
2001 - Kramatorsk, Ukraine, Museum

A large number of works figure in public and private collections in Ukraine, Russia, USA, Poland, France, Israel, England, Japan, Turkey, Germany, Canada, Yugoslavia, Italy and Croatia.

Konstantin Savchenko biography
Konstantin Savchenko

The works of the Kharkov artist Konstantin Savchenko alway evoke live interest and benefit from deserved popularity among art fans. For many years, the artist has been staying loyal to landscapes and still life; these genre-painting most fully respond to the peculiarities of his creative identity.

Konstantin Savchenko's aesthetics are deeply lyrical; so the emotional grasp of the reality, the glorifying of life-giving forces of the nature, the adminiration of the beauty of the world are essential in his works.

Konstantin Savchenko was born on the 9 of January 1968 in the Ukrainian town of Slaviansk, in the family of the remarkable painter Yuri Savchenko, whose creative aura has surrounded Konstantin from his early childhood. The father's works and his passion for painting became a bright example and constituted the basis of Konstantin's creative route.

Frequent participation in numerous exhibitions during the study in the Kharkov artistic school, then in Kharkov Art and Industry Institute, gave the young artist the opportunity to acquire creative strength and to find his individual style.

In oil painting, Konstantil Savchenko is a wonderful colourist; he finds the finest colour solutions with taste and measure.

The poetic beauty of Ukraine landscapes appears as a magic wind in the play of colours and light. The author delicately feels the lirics of the nature, which represents for him the richest source of feelings, reflections and emotions.

The young painter works much, absorbing the inheritance and the traditions of international, Russian and Ukrainian painting. He is moved by the real passion and comprehension of the main force of Ukrainin popular art.

The colour is the main element of the artist's graphic structure. He generously shows the gorgeous feast of the colours of surrounding nature. Gold and olive, pearl and rose, sky-blue tones create unexpected harmony of colour frankness.

It seems like the colour fills things with life, making them beautiful and meaningful. In each landscape, still life, portait, in their composition on the canvas, in the modelling of the form in colours, in everything that the hand of the artist touched, a deep feeling is present. The nuances of colour and composition help to read the essential vivid order of the paintings and allow access to the internal meaning of the author's idea.

The autor's perception of the beauty of the native Ukrainian country is always spontaneous and emotional. The images of the nature gain a specific form and provide the artist with the insparation to create series of paintings, where the expression, the power of touch and the saturation of colours are combined with fine moving lyrics and poetics of Slobojanschina - the historical Kharkov region.

Along with oil painting, watercolour takes a significant place in Konstantin Savchenko's works. To his poetic soul, this technique, which allows finest artistic nuancing, gives way to free expression of feelings. The amazing delicacy of colours, the miltitude of coloured accords, along with the almost audible musical tone that unifies them, constitute the main feature of his water colour paintings.

These watercolours are attractive by their poetic tenderness, humanity and sincerity of the direct impression from the nature.

Konstantin Savchenko's works are really manifold. Some of them are remarkable by their finest relations of tone solutions, by twinkle and play of light; others are specific with their tough objectiveness, scope and weigth of the colours. Closeness to life, brigth image solutions reflacted through poetic are especilly present in the works. Wherever his paintings are exhibited - would it be in America, in Germany, in Spain, in England or in Canada, they are a true representation on the real Ukrainian culture.

There is no doubt that Konstantin Savchenko's works will continue to rejoice people and will keep their artistic value and their bright individuality.

Personal exhibitions:

1992 - Berlin, Germany
1993 - "Ukrainskiy Dom", Kiev, Ukraine
1994 - "Ukrainskiy Dom", Kiev, Ukraine
1995 - The "Dais" gallery, Kharkov, Ukraine
1995 - The "Vernissage" gallery, Kharkov, Ukraine
1995 - "Ukrainskiy Dom", Kiev, Ukraine
1996 - The "Vernissage" gallery, Kharkov, Ukraine
1996 - "The House of Artists", Kharkov, Ukraine
1996 - "The House of Alchevskii", Kharkov, Ukraine
1997 - The "Vernissage" gallery, Kharkov, Ukraine
1997 - The"Saint Ivan Zelin" gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
1997 - "Ukrainskiy Dom", Kiev, Ukraine
1997 - "The House of Artists", Kharkov, Ukraine
1997 - The "Saint Ivan Zelin" gallery, Zagreb, Croatia
1997 - "Ukrainskiy Dom", Kiev, Ukraine
1998 - The "Vernissage" gallery, Kharkov, Ukraine
1998 - The "Eco" gallery, Detroit, the USA
1998 - "Ukrainian Centre", Chicago, the USA
1999 - "Museum", Vukovar, Croatia
1999 - The "Vernissage" gallery, Kharkov, Ukraine
2000 - "Dom Nurenberg", Kharkov, Ukraine.
Yuriy Savchenko publications
Unknown Russia IV - 2001 <cover> "Unknown Russia IV"
C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Arts
Jersey City
11-26 February, 2001

Works presented:

"Autumn", oil on canvas, 70x80 cm, 1999
Exhibition of Works of Kharkov Artists
Kharkov, Ukraine, 2001

Works presented:

"Beginning of Winter", oil on canvas, 45x65 cm, 1999
Atrium <cover>
Vukovar City Museum <cover> Vukovar City Museum
Yuriy & Konstantin Savchenko Personal Exhibition
Vukovar, Croatia, 1998
The "Saint Ivan Zelen" Gallery
Yuriy & Konstantin Savchenko Personal Exhibition
Zagreb, Croatia, 1997
Saint Ivan Zelen <cover>
II Biennial of Contemporary Russian Graphic & Sculpture <cover> II Biennial of Contemporary Russian Graphic & Sculpture
Jersey City, December, 2001
Kharkov, Ukraine, January, 2002
Moscow, Russia, March, 2002

Works presented:

"Naked model", watercolors on paper, 63x46 cm, 1990
"The Spring Vernissage"
The "Lavra" Kiev City Gallery of Arts
Kiev, Ukraine, 2001

Works presented:

"The Donets River", oil on canvas, 40x50 cm, 1999
"First Snow", oil on canvas, 70x80 cm, 2000
A painting from the "Slobozhanschina" series, oil on canvas, 70x80 cm, 2000
"Court Yard of My Grandmother", oil on canvas, 45x55 cm, 1992
The Spring Vernissage <cover>
Konstantin Savchenko publications
Unknown Russia IV - 2001 <cover> "Unknown Russia IV"
C.A.S.E. Museum of Contemporary Russian Arts
Jersey City
11-26 February, 2001

Works presented:

"Sunny Day", oil on canvas, 50x40 cm, 2000
Vukovar City Museum
Yuriy & Konstantin Savchenko Personal Exhibition
Vukovar, Croatia, 1998
Vukovar City Museum <cover>
Saint Ivan Zelen <cover> The "Saint Ivan Zelen" Gallery
Yuriy & Konstantin Savchenko Personal Exhibition
Zagreb, Croatia, 1997
II Biennial of Contemporary Russian Graphic & Sculpture
Jersey City, December, 2001
Kharkov, Ukraine, January, 2002
Moscow, Russia, March, 2002

Works presented:

"Kiev", watercolors on paper, 65x45 cm, 1993
II Biennial of Contemporary Russian Graphic & Sculpture <cover>


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